Clinique Ferriére de Bon Secours

Admission - Acute Medcine


Acute Medicine is a medical specialty that provides expert care to patients with a wide range of medical conditions who require emergency hospitalization. It is distinct from the broader field of emergency medicine, which is concerned with the management of all people attending the emergency department, not just those with internal medicine diagnoses. 

Acute Medicine is a process developed for the treatment of various medical conditions, including heart attacks, strokes, severe infections, and other life-threatening illnesses that may require admissions or short stays.

Prompt Interventions

At our state-of-the-art Acute Medicine Unit, we offer immediate medical interventions to stabilize patients, manage their symptoms, and initiate appropriate treatment plans. Our highly qualified consultants conduct prompt and comprehensive evaluations while maintaining constant communication with patients and families.

Dedicated Specialized Team

Our acute medicine practitioners are skilled in assessing, investigating, diagnosing, and managing patients. They work collaboratively with a team of healthcare professionals, including nurses, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists in a well-articulated process.

Prompt Evaluations

You can trust the dedicated Acute Medicine Unit at Clinique Ferrière de Bon Secours to conduct prompt, thorough evaluations, rapid assessments, and referrals, and to trigger efficient processes if admissions are necessary. We prioritize providing the best possible care.

Qualified Team Available 24/7

Our qualified team of doctors is available 24/7 to manage all complications and provide appropriate medication.

Short Stays

With over 35 licensed beds for paediatric, ,gynaecologic, surgical, medical, and other short-stay treatments, we prioritize treating all patients promptly.